Things I liked about the week that was – an off-the-cuff joint.

I didn’t love much about this past week – my cat is sick, and she’s not being super agreeable about medication. It’s a worry. She’ll be thirteen this May, and I’ve had her since she was about six weeks old – a rescue from the feed mill I worked out.

She’s got a urinary tract infection. She’s got antibiotics, and I’m administering them, but there’s no improvement yet. If anything, she’s worse. She spends most of her time hiding under the bed on a blanket. I don’t like her reactions – they’re a worry.

My son is a musician, and he released a new album in March 2024. I have a favourite. It’s called “Carnage.” His musical leanings are a bit dark at times. Family trait. He’s also done a cover of “Hide and Seek” on the album, which is brilliant.

My son is a one-man band. He does everything.

So much in life is tidal, ebbing and flowing. Groceries come in, garbage goes out. Children come in, adults go out. Memes come in, memes go out.

Memes have constancy – tidal and unchanging – unless you have Paint or some other editing program. The meme about crayons from yesterday is the meme about crayons from 2010.

Still, one must keep on top of the downloads lest one get overrun. Just kidding – the issue is in my brain. They’re not significantly impacting computer storage. And saving them isn’t about the having and holding of them anyway. It’s about paying them forward.

Sharing is caring.

I’m four days post my most recent dental surgery – one extraction, two implants, and both sides of the mouth worked on making eating fun – I’m like a rabbit – front tooth nibbles only. It was rough. I went in triggered – my PTSD is acting like it’s competing in the Olympics and needs to get going with strength training.

I’m usually anxious, but okay. This time, I struggled to get through the freezing process, and there were some emotional – not pain-based – tears from me while I was in the chair. I don’t usually go there. I don’t enjoy feeling distressed in public. At least everyone was kind. And it’s done, and this should be the last harsh bit of dental until the next catastrophe.

There’s nothing like an eating disorder to leave hidden damage.

I’m not a big album person, but this one was stellar.

I’m emotional these days, and very thin-skinned. I’m reactive, something I don’t enjoy at all – nor, I’m sure, do the people catching the blowback. I’m not doing much to change or improve things either – wheel spinning would be an accurate analysis.

Grief works its way into everything. And you can’t get away from it. I’ve played the avoidance game before – you don’t outrun your problems – they keep pace until you slow, and they close the gap. The only way out is through. This is true of much of life, and it is always annoying.

My default behaviour when it comes to managing my life is to attack myself to gain the illusion of control. I’m in neutral and revving right now, which gets you nowhere fast and often makes things worse. So much worse. We don’t make the best choices when we’re in distress. We don’t make the best choices when we’re grieving.

I feel stuck. I need to figure out how to apply a loving boot to my behind. I went for a long drive yesterday which is both out of the house, and movement. It was a short trip, but it’s a start. Something is always better than nothing – unless it’s zombies.

My mom loved purple.

5 thoughts on “Things I liked about the week that was – an off-the-cuff joint.

  1. There’s not much worse than when our pets (and kids) are sick. UTIs in cats are common. Mine has had tons, but she also suffers with IBD and kidney disease, which is going to take her out sooner than later. She’s nearly 17–I also got her as a kitten, around eight weeks old. Two pieces of advice: (1) some UTIs are caused by heavier duty issues and take 2-3 times as long to dispense of…keep at it; and (2) if your cat is like mine with meds, I get them all compounded into a liquid…it makes it easier to get in them, though my cat gets regular medication (for years now) and hasn’t trusted me walking towards her, lest she get “got.” If only they understood that we’re trying to do right by them. I hope your cat recovers soon. ♥️

    Another great song by your son!! 🤩

    I’m sorry that you struggled to hold yourself together with your recent dental work. Give yourself some grace—LOTS of people freak out about dental work, many choosing to avoid it altogether. At least yours is now done!

    I love the memes! Particularly the long one about unborn babies.

    Grief sucks, but it does become less sharp and less present with time. Hopefully you are experiencing a little of that relief rather than constantly feeling crushed by its weight. Hang in there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. I had plans to start this Monday on a bit of a fresh foot – get back into routine, feel productive, and so on. This makes that easier. I so appreciate being seen.

      I should’ve read this before this morning’s dose – she dove at the last second and it ended up on her face. My fault – she was good yesterday and I relaxed my grip. But our body language must scream. Even when I’m being super casual, she knows the difference between the approaches – med versus brush versus treat lol.

      That’s a fair point about dental. I tend to judge myself as the worst in the world in most things, and really, I’d have to level up for that.

      Thank you – I’m so proud of him.

      The grief is easing, turning into the companion rather than the immediate wound 💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Love you, lady! ♥️

        Oh, even after years of dosing my cat, every so often, I fail to properly dose her. I give her the W and am more vigilant the next time. I definitely focus on the long game. Cats are too damned smart.

        No need to level up for dental work—save that energy for other, more important things. Just showing up and getting the thing done is good enough for dental work.

        As you should be—he is massively talented!!

        I’m glad it doesn’t have the stranglehold on you anymore. Breathing is a good thing.

        Liked by 1 person

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