random acts of kindness


being nominated for the Random Act of Kindness award was an unexpected surprise and a lovely one, at that. thank you to Richard at photosociology.wordpress.com for the honour. his writing is something i enjoy very much. he has a fantastic blog and in it, he discusses both his work and study as a photographer (his photography is brilliant) and his life, including his struggles with his eating disorder. i have learned a great deal from his work, and from his bravery as he pursues his dreams while dealing with the enormous challenges an eating disorder brings. a particularly good post about his struggles with the latter is entitled a successful day does not have to feel good. i fully relate.


choosing who to nominate next is part of the challenge, and a difficult one; i’ve encountered many kind, thoughtful, and courageous people in the blogosphere. ultimately, i decided on a writer who has given me great feedback, much needed personal support, and emotional reinforcement. for the Random Act of Kindness Award, I nominate Muted Mouthful. her blog is wonderful, a combination of personal essays and really great flash fiction. her recent post, entitled you are never really alone was particularly personally appropriate.


as to kindness, i think people undervalue it. it’s a characteristic i try to hold front and centre, even when i get cut off in traffic by people who are oblivious to the location and function of the turn signal. in part, my being kind is selfish; i get guilt when i’m unkind. since i hate feeling that way, i take the necessary steps to avoid doing so.

i have been incredibly fortunate in the kindness sweepstakes. i have known bullies, abusers, and narcissists, but i’ve also had incredibly kind people in my circle. strangers too, at times, can be lovely.

when i was twenty, i went to Europe for six weeks with a singing group. unfortunately for me, by the time we arrived in Paris, i had developed an absolutely vile, croupy case of bronchitis. the coughing was so bad that for our concert at Luxembourg Gardens, i was relegated to the park hinterlands, lest my hacking interfere with and detract from the performance.

i was sitting alone, feeling sad, miserable, and a bit like a pariah, doing my best to cough up a lung when a lovely, dapper, older french man sat down next to me on the bench and expressed concern. i told him, as best i could in my halting french, that i was unwell, and thanked him for his concern. he stayed with me while my travel companions performed, speaking to me slowly so that i could understand him, telling me about his life in Paris, and bringing me a great deal of comfort. it was a wonderful, thoughtful, and considerate act that i truly appreciated; it still gives me warm fuzzies when i think back on it.

wouldn’t the world be so much better if everyone was as kind? if everyone took the time to care for strangers in distress? what a pleasant place this would be.


as to how this keeps moving forward, the instructions and guidelines are as follows:

  1. tell us who you are nominating, and why;


  1. copy and share the picture that shows the award, which i posted above;


  1. share a paragraph of something that impacted your own life in the way of receiving kindness or show how you extended kindness to someone else. For instance:
    1. i was once waiting in a drive-thru line for twenty minutes. i was in a hurry, but the line didn’t move much, it felt like. my day was getting worse by the moment. when i got to the drive-thru window, the cashier said someone had paid for my meal already. that really made my day a lot better.


  1. nominate anyone, or share to your own page, if you choose to participate. tag or pingback to the original person who nominated you, or the original post: http://photosociology.wordpress.com/wordpress.com



6 thoughts on “random acts of kindness

  1. Thankyou first your kind words. Your experience in France sounds wonderful. It’s fab when someone’s kindness touches us so deeply that were still affected by it years later.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. There is a woman who stands out from my time in a homeless hostel in 2000. She was a magistrate that fostered well over 50 children over her lifetime, she became the first female mayor of the town where she lived, was actively involved in Women Welcoming Women Worldwide, and she worked at the homeless hostel where I lived. She had very clear boundaries, was kind, gentle, supportive. She never allowed a person’s behaviour cloud her view of the person behind the behaviour.

        KR you are amazing.

        Liked by 1 person

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