And then there were memes.

It’s hard coming up with clever titles for repetitious offerings, not that I’ve ever been queen of the title. I’m the opposite of good with them, at least on a technical level.

I don’t want to talk about capitalizations.

And content is so subjective.

In addition to culling the vast quantity of desktop memes I’ve saved lo these many years, I’m attempting to reduced the number taking up almost no space on my phone. To that end, I post and delete a panel to Threads every day. I worry sometimes that some of my offerings might offend, but then I think about what’s out there on the interweb, and I relax. I’m not even an amateur.

The problem with this week’s efforts relates to size – sometimes it does matter. What was I thinking, saving such small jpeg files? They’re not resizable – I tried, but all clarity and humour is lost. They’re also not usable as is. I could search online for replacements, but that’s more effort that I feel like putting into the endeavour. This is supposed to lighten my load, not add to it.

Though I might have to amp up my distribution/redistribution efforts somewhat – the part of my brain that keeps saving the new, amusing, and interesting offerings obviously didn’t get the simplify memo. At least out is still faster than in, but I’m worried. It’s summer, and people spend more time online, creating content for people like me to consume.

I could be taking a walk right now – it’s a lovely night. But online is where it’s at for many of us. Wall-E world is likely waiting. That’s unfortunate.

It’s the smoothie, hovercraft life for us.

Glue-free collages

In some galaxy or other…

Action stations

The unexpected amuses

Final Jeopardy

What was the question – how do I waste the most time every day? A better question would be, how did I waste it before computers?

Daily writing prompt
How do you waste the most time every day?

5 thoughts on “And then there were memes.

  1. I suggest you download ChatGPT and ask it to suggest blog titles! Here is what it returned just now after asking it to “suggest snarky titles for a blog post about memes”:

    “Memes: The Fine Art of Wasting Time”
    “How Memes Are Ruining the Internet (And Why We Love It)”
    “Memes: Because Real Conversations Are Overrated”
    “From Dank to Cringe: The Evolution of Memes No One Asked For”
    “The Memeification of Everything: Is Nothing Sacred?”
    “Memes: Proof That Humor Has Hit Rock Bottom”
    “Why Memes Are the Only Thing Keeping Us Sane (Or Not)”
    “Internet Memes: When Intelligence Takes a Backseat”
    “Memes: The Internet’s Favorite Dumpster Fire”
    “A Deep Dive into the Meme Abyss: Send Help”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Liam Neeson is the bomb.
    Sorry, it’s my fault. I forgot you were stupid – GOLD

    My partner and their siblings communicate almost strictly via memes. I can’t help but roll my eyes. The time they waste on searching for the ‘right’ one, the space they take up on the phones… But, one must waste their time somehow, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t search – I just greedily collect those that cross my path.

      I related to the sibling communication style – my brothers and I are like that.


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