And then there were memes.

It’s hard coming up with clever titles for repetitious offerings, not that I’ve ever been queen of the title. I’m the opposite of good with them, at least on a technical level. I don’t want to talk about capitalizations. And content is so subjective. In addition to culling the vast quantity of desktop memes I’ve saved lo these many years, I’m attempting to reduced the … Continue reading And then there were memes.

Passion, privilege, and personal responsibility.

Hobbies, interests, and passions, oh my. The focus of our interests varies from person to person, and it’s hard to tell what will pique one person, but leave another completely bored. There seems to be nothing we all embrace with equal fervour. That’s a problem. I’ve never been particularly “one true way” about my interests, save for reading which is forever and always, and also … Continue reading Passion, privilege, and personal responsibility.

Life before the internet: Nostalgia for the analog days.

The author reflects on how conversations about the past are triggered by death and midlife, emphasizing the tendency to romanticize the past and resist change in the technological age. They highlight the shift from analogue to digital and acknowledge the benefits of modern conveniences while reminiscing about the slower pace of life. Continue reading Life before the internet: Nostalgia for the analog days.